Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Playing with Soap

With a bar of soap in left hand, and in front of a book no one would be interested in reading but just looking at the pictures, what would a single male adolescent adult do to waste time for fun during this freaking long holiday?


Okie, before your mind go wild :-P

Yeah, this my wood carving tools. "Borrowed" this set from an elder cousin brother very long time ago. Well he wasn't interested in doing carving anyway... so I made it mine. The two chisels attached to nail head are made by yours truly many years ago.

In fact when I "re-discovered" this set during the last trip back to hometown for Chinese New Year and decided to bring it along here, I totally forgotten about these two extra chisels until I took them out before starting this project yesterday. And oh ya... the reason they are attached to nail head is because they are made from nails :-P

Got the ideal while I was doing a massive spring clean of my rat den apartment yesterday. House cleaning has always sort of giving some therapeutic effect to me. Well, at least when it is not a chore.

Half way through the cleaning, took some break and get a piece of mini soap bar collected from one of the hotel during one of trips and carved this simple motive.

This motive suppose to look something like the motive take from the 700 Victorian Ornamental Designs (F. Knight) in the diagram below.

Okie... I know it's not even close. Didn't I decided to stop giving excuses already? Well that was when I finally take the action to clean up the living room, kitchen and bathroom. Heh.. anyway... this is my first attempt in carving on soap, okie? :-P

Anyway, incidentally one of the blog which I often visit also has a post on soap carving. Well... what can I say? Co-incident?

Okie this is my second attempt today. Well.. not even close still... So what? :-P